Dalam tema "Air", siswa PG dan TK melakukan aktivitas mencuci alat peraga dan mainan di kelas. Dalam aktivitas ini, anak memperhatikan proses perubahan bentuk air, dari cair menjadi gas, sekaligus melihat proses pelarutan sabun menjadi busa.
DownloadSiswa kelas 3 mendaur ulang kardus bekas untuk dibuat menjadi bingkai foto.
DownloadStudents in our Archery Enrichment Program tried to hit the target!
DownloadOne of the activities in our Robotic enrichment program.
DownloadThese SD3 students were trying to find an application of fractions in the daily life.
DownloadThis activity contained highly analythical thinking for PG. Think! What should we do to prevent the dinosaours from escaping? Was the cage too short?
DownloadChef Alfons from Cabrita Pattisserie at Jl. Jend A.H Nasution Medan showed curious SD1 students how to bake a bread. It's magic! How did that small dot enlarged and fulfill our stomach?
DownloadBussiness Day is one of the big events that SD Cita Luhur celebrates every year. Students learn how to create a business proposal, present it to Bank Cita Luhur, produce the goods they are about to sell and actually do the transactions. All profit generated from this event is donated to approved charity organziation.